2007 is the 15th anniversary of Maskarado. I'm trying my hardest to release a new issue within the year (issue 8, to be exact). And as a special treat, it will be an extra-sized issue with no price increase. It will feature a second story which will be a team-up between Maskarado and Gio Paredes' Kalayaan.
Simultaneously, I'll be releasing a Maskarado Gallery booklet, the cover of which is pictured above. I'm thinking of giving it away for free as a promo of sorts. All one has to do is buy ANY issue of Maskarado and he (or she) will get one booklet for free. At least, I hope to. If production cost becomes prohibitive, maybe I'll just charge it AT COST. We'll see.
I'm really excited about this. And the artists who'll be contributing are among the best in Pinoy komiks today (and some from yesterday). Those who've already submitted pin-ups are: Jonas Diego, John Becaro, Gilbert Monsanto, Ner Pedrina, Dell Barras, Ed Tadeo, Kajo Baldisimo (see art above), Randy Valiente, Godfrey Escota, Jonathan Ledesma, Jaime Salangsang and Jac Ting Lim.
People who've already agreed to contribute include Ariel Atienza, Jon Zamar, Bong Leal, Arnold Arre, Elbert Or, Mico Suayan, Honoel Ibardolaza (HAI), Gerry Alanguilan, Joel Chua, Dario Carrasco and Hal Santiago. Plus short stories from Budjette Tan and Dodo Dayao. There are other artists I'm trying to contact and hopefully more will be added to this list.
It's a good year to be a Maskarado fan. :)