If you want to see samples of my comics work, head on over to CapsuleZone! If you want to see my graphic design portfolio, just go to Reno Maniquis Graphic Works! Thanks for dropping by!

Friday, August 03, 2012


Eureka Productions is pleased to announce a special, limited-time, half-price sale on the GRAPHIC CLASSICS® series of comics adaptations of great literature.

The sale runs from August 1 through August 14, 2012, and applies only to direct sales through the GRAPHIC CLASSICS website at  http://www.graphicclassics.com.

Now is the chance to fill in any series volumes you may be missing, or purchase gift copies at a discount price. Hurry, as the sale ends soon, and some volumes are in low supply. $10 minimum purchase.

“Innovative visual entrées to great writers and their legacies.”
— Stephanie Zvirin, Booklist

“A splendidly inventive series.”
— Malcolm Jones, Newsweek

“So imaginative, evocative, and compelling in their execution that they leave readers with no choice but to crave more.”
— Michael Dooley, Imprint


The volumes which feature my work are POE'S TALES OF MYSTERY, AMBROSE BIERCE and WESTERN CLASSICS. But all of these books are really good, and they're also a great way to introduce kids to literary classics. Highly recommended!

Friday, May 18, 2012

R.I.P. Tony DeZuniga and Ernie Chan.

Thanks for all the comic books I enjoyed during my childhood... and beyond.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's been a while since I've posted here, huh? I've been posting more on my capsulezone site since I find myself not wanting to talk about much online these days and just posting artworks is good enough for me.

But what prompted me to post is a book that I really, really enjoyed and like to recommend to everyone. I don't think it's a book that doesn't need my help in promoting it, but here it is anyway...

Jeff Smith's BONE. It's a real page-turner. I couldn't put this massive book down. Each chapter makes you wanna see what happens in the next one. And the next. And the next... And so on until you realize the story's finished and you still want to read about these characters some more.

Highly recommended. If the one volume edition is too pricey, Scholastic has individual volumes that are much more wallet-friendly. Read this. You won't regret it.