If you want to see samples of my comics work, head on over to CapsuleZone! If you want to see my graphic design portfolio, just go to Reno Maniquis Graphic Works! Thanks for dropping by!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Today is the first day of the theatrical showing of SPIDER-MAN 2. I hope Kuki and I can get tickets tonight at the Power Plant. As I understand it, we have to go there and look for this guy who has two free tickets waiting for us. Geez. Very covert ops. We don't even know what he looks like. Maybe there's a secret handshake or something.

Or if that doesn't push through, we can always watch VOLTA. he he.

In other news... I'm currently updating the look of my website, making it more "eye-catching," so to speak. One of the comments always get is that it's too simple. I hope this re-design is more pleasing. Head on over to CAPSULEZONE. I hope you like what you see. It's a work in progress, so there are still be some bugs and some pages that haven't been updated yet.

That's it for me in the meantime. Gotta get back to work before my boss sees me blogging...

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