Was the Mike Grell Green Arrow retconned? But it was during that series that Ollie got killed, and certainly his relationship with Shado is still in continuity. It just gets so confusing, really. Or maybe the slate got wiped clean when he was resurrected during Kevin Smith's run (which I still hold as the sloppiest excuse for a comic character's resurrection that I have ever read).
Anyways, I find what's happening to Arsenal much more interesting. So I guess I'll follow that storyline instead.
You are correct in being confused. It's a sloppy plot/story gimmick that makes no sense given what we know about Green Arrow's past.
Not a great way to start a new series I would say.
Yeah, I guess you could say that.
I just realized another sloppy point (this time regarding the Arsenal story)... Roy tells Donna that her family died while she was out in space with Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, but I just remembered that she was neither in space nor with Kyle. She had lost her powers and quit from the Darkstars during that time.
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