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Tuesday, July 12, 2005


The past three days, Metro Manila has been in a Gaiman-mania mode. I didn't make it to the signings, but I still made it a point to go to the writers' forum hosted by the British Council at the Music Museum. What was important to me was not really getting an autograph (though I do have a signed copy of the Dream Hunters courtesy of my sister, Lala) but to hear the man talk, and get to hear some of his views.

I got to talk to Ilyn and Gerry Alanguilan for a short while, and an excerpt from Gerry's blog was almost exactly what I felt too when Neil was sharing some of his thoughts...

"Neil talked about Nestor Redondo, Alfredo Alcala and Alex Niño and his appreciation for their work. He went on to heap praise after praise at those guys and oh man... it was probably the greatest moment in my entire Gaiman experience. To hear him talk so glowingly about our great masters is incredibly touching. Ilyn told me later that it literally brought her to tears. I gotta admit, me too!"

Well, not so much the bringing to tears part, but you get the idea.

I'll let Gerry (who's more articulate than I am) tell you more about his Gaiman experience. Make with the clicky and head on over to Gerry's Blog.

I also echo Dean Alfar's sentiments, in which he states...

"I really had two big issues. First, was with the lackluster questions interviewer Ramon de Veyra asked him onstage; and second, with the appalling paucity of discussion/questions about the literary side of what he does - come on, people, he's more than Sandman"

Read more of Dean's thoughts, head on over to NOTES FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY.

And you can also read Neil's thoughts on neilgaiman.com.

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