Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
2012 has received immense coverage in bookstores, newsprint, television, the Internet and most recently in theaters with Sony's epic 2012 film by director Roland Emmerich and starring John Cusack.
People around the globe want to know: What will go down on 12/21/12 at 11:11 GST? Apocalypse ... Euphoria ... or another Y2K non-event?
Best-selling authors Marie D. Jones (2013: The End of Days or a New Beginning) and Marshall Masters (Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide) join host Jim Harold to discuss award-winning comic creator/publisher Robert Heske's new book - 2012: Final Prayer, An End Times Anthology.
Ms. Jones and Mr. Masters (both of whom have appeared recently on the History Channel's Nostradamus Effect) also mash with Heske about the 2012 phenomena in general, offering varied opinions and lively debate on diverse scenarios ranging from catastrophic events to a global "awakening of the human consciousness."
The Paranormal Podcast, which interviews various authors and paranormal experts such as Stanton Friedman, Brad Steiger, Dr. Bob Curran, Alien Abductee Stan Romanek, Nick Pope and Jim Marrs, is among the top 25 Science Audio Podcasts on iTunes. Each show averages 8,000 to 10,000 downloads with a devoted audience spanning the globe.
The show was taped in November and will be posted on Monday, December 21, 2009. For more details, visit the website at www.paranormalpodcast.com.
To buy 2012: Final Prayer from Heske Horror, go to www.zaldiva.com, www.amazon.com or visit myebook.com (i.e., the bookshop) for a digital download.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
I'm happy to announce that it all came into fruition. Watch out for this in March, 2010:
Story: Mike Bullock, Art: Reno Maniquis
Cover A: Art Thibert, Cover B: Mark Sparacio, Cover C:Michael Gilbert
32pgs, color, $3.99
Together again for the first time!
The Phantom and Captain Action were forever united in the 1960s when the original Captain Action toy was released with a Phantom costume, allowing Cap to transform into the Ghost Who Walks. Now, for the first time, the two timeless titans collide in the first concussive crossover ever created.
When an international intelligence cartel makes a surgical strike for global control, UN committee member Diana Palmer-Walker and her legendary husband are all that stands in their way, but when the Ghost Who Walks goes missing, the only one Diana can turn to is none other than - Captain Action!
Don’t miss history in the making! (Covers A & B available separately)
Here's a sample page of my pencils for the interior art:
Friday, October 30, 2009

I just finished reading Tom de Haven's IT'S SUPERMAN! novel, and I'm currently reading Geoff Johns' and Gary Frank's SUPERMAN: SECRET ORIGIN. It got me to thinking about the origins of Superman's costume (or uniform, if you like).
SECRET ORIGIN brings back the original explanation of the super suit... it was Kryptonian cloth that was as indestructible as Superman. It's okay, but there would be times that Superman would get bruised or wounded by forces stronger than his skin, so wouldn't that mean the suit would be torn, too?
IT'S SUPERMAN! reveals that originally, Superman was using a suit made out of ordinary fabric, so it would tear up most of the time. He finally gets an indestructible suit courtesy of arch-enemy Lex Luthor. Who just mails it to Superman as a gift of sorts. This origin of the suit was kinda "meh" for me.
Out of all the different explanations on how Superman's suit is as invulnerable as he is, the one most plausible (for me, at least) is the one John Byrne cooked up for his THE MAN OF STEEL miniseries in the 80s. In the story, it was revealed that Superman had an aura which protects stuff that's really up close to his skin. Which makes his skintight suit almost as indestructible as he is. Of course, when going up against something that would hurt even his "invulnerable" skin, The suit would also get torn. It also mean that his cape could be torn, since it wasn't skintight, but that's okay. The only drawback is he can't protect people with his cape like he used to. The aura also explains away why a man would don spandex in order to fight crime. Since normal clothes would tear up, it only makes sense for him to wear something that could be protected by his aura, right?
Any Superman readers out there? Which super-suit origin do you like most?
(image from www.zimbio.com)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
There are two very different reasons why men and women have car accidents.
Most men are just plain reckless. It's simple stupidity.
Women, in my analysis, are just oblivious to their surroundings. And it's not just while driving.
Case in point: One morning while walking to the train station, two women walking from behind me bumped me on both of my sides, making a momentary "me" sandwich. At first, I thought it may be a pickpocketing scam, but upon checking my valuables nothing was missing. Plus, both women looked actually surprised that they bumped into me, as if I was a wall that was suddenly in their way. But, even if I wasn't there, they would have bumped each other. And it was a very wide sidewalk, with pedestrians walking around comfortably. And how in heck would you not notice someone who's in front of you?!?!
Another case in point: When walking on my own, I usually walk up or down escalators. One time while I was walking up one, two women were busily chatting away in front of me. I said a simple "excuse me" and one of the women almost literally jumped out of her skin. She exclaimed "AAAYYY!!!" and then proceeded to mutter under her breath (but was clearly audible) "nakakagulat naman yung mama." What the heck is so startling with a simple "excuse me?"
Another example: On the elevated walkway from the Ayala business district going to Greenbelt... three women who do not know each other are walking side by side. Now, that walkway is wide. But they've occupied almost the whole path that most people were having a hard time squeezing in between them. It would have been a bit understandable if they were friends chatting away and being oblivious to their surroundings, but THEY DID NOT KNOW EACH OTHER and were simply walking at the same pace, oblivious to the fact that a small crowd was gathering behind them trying to get through.
Last example: Just this morning, while getting into the elevator, I let a woman who was there go into the elevator first. As soon as she got in, she keeps hitting the "close door" button while I was still on my way in. That was just WHOA.
Is it any wonder that most victims of bag snatchers are women?
So ladies, please keep your wits about you whenever you walk (or drive).
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The world ends on 11.15.09 - that's when award-winning indie comic publisher Heske Horror (www.coldbloodedchillers.com) releases its anticipated doomsday anthology "2012: Final Prayer." Just like Armageddon, this release promises to be a "global event" with cataclysmic graphic tales, short stories and brief essays from creators from around the world: US, UK, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Scotland and South Africa.
Get a sneak peek here!
Read an interview with author and editor Robert Heske here!
Drew a title page illustration for a short story in this book. I'll post it on www.capsulezone.tk when I'm able. :)
Thursday, October 08, 2009

May 2010 is the target date for the release of the all-new Western Classics: Graphic Classics Volume Nineteen. The lead story will be an adaptation of Zane Grey's grand western prototype, “Riders of the Purple Sage”, illustrated by GC newcomer Cynthia Martin. Also included will be Bret Harte's “The Right Eye of the Commander”, by David Hontiveros and Reno Maniquis, Gertrude Atherton’s “La Perdida”, by Trina Robbins and Mark A. Nelson, and John G. Neihart’s "The Last Thunder Song”, adapted by Oklahoman Rod Lott and illustrated by Native American artist Ryan Huna Smith.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
'Heroic rescuer'
Reports have also emerged of acts of heroism by members of the public during the floods, including Muelmar Magallanes, who rescued more than 30 people, but ended up sacrificing his own life.
With the help of his older brother, the 18-year-old construction worker tied rope around his waist and took his siblings to safety before going back to the house for his parents, according to the AFP news agency.
Later, he decided go back to save neighbours trapped on rooftops. He then dived back in again when he saw a mother and her six-month-old baby daughter in the water.
"I didn't know that the current was so strong. In an instant, I was under water. We were going to die," the mother Menchie Penalosa told AFP.
"Then this man came from nowhere and grabbed us. He took us to where the other neighbours were, and then he was gone," she added.
Witnesses said an exhausted Mr Megallanes was simply swept away by the water.
His father Samuel said: "He always had a good heart. We had already been saved. But he decided to go back one last time for the girl."
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Here's a member of the Bayan Knights Powerhouse division, created by Santiago "Santy" Panes... Bagwis!

Monday, September 21, 2009
Here's the latest in a series of sketches based on the Bayan Knights. This time around, Erico Calimlim's Pag-Asa gets sketched...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Here's a popular member of Bayan Knights... Ang astiging Boy Ipis!
BTW, I really enjoyed the first issue. It COULD HAVE BEEN an all-ages book, but the names and treatment of the villains, though hilarious, aren't really suitable for children. Enjoyable, though. :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't you just find it annoying when cab drivers ask for "a little bit more" right after you get inside their vehicle?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I had promised Amely Grace Vidal that I'd draw her creation many moons ago... Back when it was still known as "Panty Cat." Well, better late than never...

Okay, still have deadlines to finish!
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tuesday, September 01, 2009
The Franchise: Wall of Angels Now Available At Amazon!
The Franchise: Wall Of Angels Volume One is now available at Amazon.com! This volume collects the first six issues of Wall Of Angels with 20 new pages not published in the original comic book. A tale of deceit, love and courage woven against a tapestry of legends. From Roswell to the ancient land of Atlantis, a group of unlikely companions follow a madman on an unholy quest for eternal life.
This graphic novel is a 166 page paperback, b/w, 6 x 9 format.
Just $15.99 plus shipping & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
ISBN-10: 0557039924
ISBN-13: 978-0557039920
Friday, August 28, 2009

Story: Nancy Holder
Art: Reno Maniquis
Covers: Michael J. Williams, Matt Larson
32pgs, color, mature $3.99, mature
Join Buffy novelist and four time Bram Stoker Award winner Nancy Holder, as she uncovers the sexy noir thriller secrets of “The Catalina Caper”! Hollywood has come to the island, and the Domino Lady’s alter ego will make her big screen debut! First, of course, there is a matter of blackmail under the lights to attend to. There is nothing the Domino lady won’t do for her adoring public.
(2 covers, ratio = 75% Michael J Williams, 25% Matt Larson cover)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ever since we moved to Pasig, I have had 3 packages I was expecting from the US not reach me. I didn't have this kind of a problem when we lived in San Juan. One package getting lost in the mail, I can understand... But three consecutive packages not delivered one after the other? I don't even get a notice to pick up the packages at the post office. I don't think it's the fault of the people who mailed me, since these are three separate people. How can three separate people get one address wrong??!?!
Stuff being delivered by courier, or house bills, they get delivered, since these are all via messengers. But things sent through the mail? A definite NO. Does the Post Office not know where my street is located? Is the Pasig City Postal Service stealing my packages? Those are the only things I can think of. The former option, incompetence, the latter, a crime being committed. Either way is unacceptable behavior for people in public service. I can't even find a phone listing for them.
If anyone reading this can help out, or if any of you has any suggestion on how I can rectify this matter, please feel free to leave a note in the comments section. I'd really appreciate it.
PASIG POST OFFICE, PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG!!!! (Although I'm not holding my breath...)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
A statement from the heirs of Mars Ravelo...
CJC: The Man That He Is Not
Right now, the late Cory Aquino is the most revered person in our nation. Opposite this, Carlo Caparas probably is the most ridiculed and reviled.
Even before this National Artist brouhaha, as children of the late Mars Ravelo, we’ve long been observing the moves of this man in silence. Until Manoling Morato, Caparas’ patron and staunch supporter, started wagging that notable tongue of his against our father. Now, we’re breaking that silence.
Komiks King
Thru dubious press releases, Carlo Caparas proclaimed himself the Komiks King. A title which, we know Caparas very well knows, belongs to Mars Ravelo. Mars Ravelo earned it thru the merits of his work. It’s a title that grew on him thru the years. It has become synonymous with his name. One day, Caparas, brazenly grabbed it for himself. Just like that. And it’s not even up for grabs.
The Komiks Caravan of Caparas was aimed to discover new talents in komiks writing and illustrating. And more ambitiously, it aimed to resurrect the dying if not the already dead komiks industry. According to one of Caparas’ series of press releases in an afternoon tabloid, the vacuum he left in the komiks industry took a heavy toll on the industry. The absence of his greatness and highness in the komiks industry caused the industry its very life.
Later, after the announcement of his noble act of resurrecting the komiks industry, about four comics strips in the Philippine Daily Inquirer were cancelled to give way to his own diario novela.
Next came the various awards. Caparas becomes multi-awarded. He was even conferred a peace prize award (we hope not for his massacre movies), together with a pool of international dignitaries as co-awardees including a former Philippine president.
Morato is the president of the foundation which conferred the award.
Komiks Legend
One day, one of our siblings texted us: Dad to be given an award at Malacañang tomorrow at 11 am. Sino ang pupunta?
Huh? Did we read right? An award from the palace and we were just advised the night before? We were not even given enough time for the dry cleaner. Did they really want our presence there?
And then we learned that together with Mars Ravelo, Tony Velasquez, Larry Alcala, and Francisco Coching, Caparas is also to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit. Seeing the line-up, we can hear ourselves singing (again) with Ate Isay: Alin, alin, alin ang naiba. Isipin kung alin ang naiba...
We decided, without second thought, not to go to the palace to receive the award on our father’s behalf. Not only because it sucks of insincerity but seeing the dark side of it, our father, together with the other honorees who are all komiks legends, is being used to elevate Caparas into their league. Caparas may be legendary, but that’s another story.
National Artist
Another text from another sibling: Caparas declared a National Artist
Everything becomes crystal clear.
Director Par Excellence
“Sabi nila, dapat daw na si Mars Ravelo muna ang bigyan ng award. E, visual arts nga ito. Si Mars Ravelo ba, nagdirek ng pelikula? Si Carlo, direktor pa rin ng pelikula. Nagsusulat din siya ng script sa pelikula at sa TV. Nakakapag-drawing pa rin siya sa komiks. At nag-i-script sa komiks.
abs-cbnNEWS.com | 07/31/2009 11:09 AM, 'Manoling' defends Caparas’ Nat'l Artist Award
Mamang Manoling, iyon po bang award niya sa visual arts ay dahil sa pagiging director niya sa pelikula?
“Nanalo na bang Best Director si Mars Ravelo? Hindi pa kaya wala siyang karapatan. Mas malawak ang nagawa ni Carlo kaysa kanya.
abs-cbnNEWS.com | 07/31/2009 11:09 AM, 'Manoling' defends Caparas’ Nat'l Artist Award
Pwede po ba iyon Mamang Manoling na manalo ang ama namin ng Best Director kahit hindi siya director? Sabi nyo po kasi ay hindi pa siya nananalong Best Director. Kailan po kaya pwede?
The Most Prolific Komiks Novelist
“Si Mars Ravelo ba, nakapagsulat na ng script para sa pelikula at TV? Ilan lang ba ang nagawa ni Mars Ravelo na komiks? Baka sampu lang. Si Carlo, eight hundred komiks novels. Kaya ba nila ‘yan? Nagawa ba ‘yan ni Mars Ravelo? Hindi. Si Carlo lang talaga ang nakagawa n’yan kaya he deserves the award.
abs-cbnNEWS.com | 07/31/2009 11:09 AM, 'Manoling' defends Caparas’ Nat'l Artist Award
Mamang Manoling, dahil po ba sa eight hundred na komiks novels na isinulat ni Caparas kaya siya nanalo sa category ng visual arts? Sayang kung nakapagsulat pa pala ng limangdaang kuwento ang tatay namin ay pwede na rin siyang manalo ng NAA (National Artist Award) para sa visual arts tulad ni Caparas. Kung nagsulat pala ang tatay namin mula ng ipinanganak siya hanggang ngayon na patay na siya, idivide mo yong 800 sa 93, mga 8.6 na novels pala ang dapat niyang isulat sa bawat taon ng kanyang naging buhay hanggang sa ngayon na patay na siya para makagawa siya ng 800 nobela sa loob ng 93 years. Pwede pong mahiram yong listahan nyo ng 800 novels? Kung gusto nyo po padadalhan din po namin kayo ng listahan namin. Para fair.
Pero mali po kayo doon sa number na sampu. Mga pito lang po ang naisulat ni Mars Ravelo na nobela—sa bawat taon ng 50 years niyang career sa komiks. At nasaksihan po namin kung paano tinrabaho ng ama namin ang mga nobelang iyon. Ika nga po, ang gabi ay ginawa niyang araw. Tulog lang po ang pahinga. Kasi po kahit nasa kubeta siya, at kahit habang kumakain siya, nag-iisip pa rin siya ng kuwento. Tapos si Mang Carlo ay nakuha pang makapag-direct ng mga pelikula. Wow!
The Father of The Komiks Industry’s Rebirth
“Kasi, si Carlo, hindi lang sa komiks nag-excel. Siya ang nag-revive ng komiks. Sino sa kanila ang nakapag-revive ng komiks industry. Patay na dapat ang komiks pero siya pa rin ang nag-revive nito. May caravan pa siya sa buong Pilipinas at his on expense. Sino ang nakagawa ng ganyan sa kanila?
abs-cbnNEWS.com | 07/31/2009 11:09 AM, 'Manoling' defends Caparas’ Nat'l Artist Award
Ay, nabuhay po pala? Naghahanap nga po kami ng mga CJC sa bangketa, parang wala kaming makita. Meron po DVD.
True Man
Caparas said he was aware of the criticism that his victory had bypassed such komiks legends as Mars Ravelo, Francisco V. Coching, Tony Velasquez and Larry Alcala.
“But they were my fellow recipients of the Presidential Medal of Merit in 2007. In any case, I am representing other komiks novelists and artists with this honor. I believe I was given this award because I was able to cross over from komiks to movies and TV.”
Palace choices of 4 nat’l artists protested by Kristine L. Alave, Bayani San Diego Jr.Philippine Daily InquirerFirst Posted 09:44:00 08/01/2009
Carlo Caparas can never represent these artists. Tony Velasquez, Larry Alcala, Francisco Coching and our father are komiks legends not as a result of a grand design but because of hard work, extraordinary talent and true passion for komiks. Caparas represents something else.
The belief of Caparas that he was conferred the NAA title because he was able to cross over from komiks to film and television is evident that Caparas does not understand the real meaning of this award. Ilang beses na niyang hinuhulaan kung bakit siya nanalo, hindi pa rin niya mahula-hulaan. It also tells a lot about how oblivious he is to his fellow komiks artists’ achievements and plight. Or, he just simply doesn’t care.
When will Caparas realize that he is living in a dream? That he is not what he thinks he is? That he is not what the people around him tell him he is? That he is not the Komiks King? That he is undeserving of the National Artist title? That he is not a komiks legend? That he is not a messiah?
We can almost hear Caparas’ torment echoing within his being. The uproar that is torturing him now. Why are so many people up in arms against him? Why are his fellow artists, particularly from the komiks and film sector not with him in his darkest hour?
All Caparas’ camp’s efforts from collecting awards, to grabbing and inventing all titles imaginable for him, to all the press releases meant to extol his legendary image are supposed to culminate to the National Artist title. Caparas’ camp may have made certain that their contender will meet the list of criteria for the National Artist Award, at all cost. But the last criterion in the list was impossible to circumvent. It may be the last, but it is undoubtedly, not the least—respect and esteem from peers.
Mr. Caparas, try to find the exit door from that pseudo world of yours. It’s the only way you can free yourself of all your misery and pain right now. Don’t allow the Christofs in your life to tell you what to think and say. It’s a matter of being able to come to terms with yourself. Truman Burbank found his exit door just in time.
To our father, you can stop turning in your grave now. Tell your friends Tony, Larry and Francisco, it went pffft.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

METRO COMIC CON, August 8-9, 2009... That's this coming Saturday and Sunday at the Megatrade Hall, SM Megamall.
Saturday, August 01, 2009

Just wanted to take the time to say thank you to Tita Cory, President Corazon Aquino... You have been the best president I have ever had in my lifetime, and I'm sure a lot of Filipinos feel the same way. Rest In Peace, and I hope somewhere down the line we, the Filipinos, will make you and Ninoy proud.
Again, thank you from me and my family.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Monday, June 08, 2009
Friday, May 01, 2009
That's it for now. Kuki still has difficulty moving since her tummy still hasn't fully healed, and we've missed Jade so much that were lookinf forward to spending the most time with her (as I type this, she's behind me doodling some stuff). :)
Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just came back from the doctor. Around two or three weeks ago, my heart started palpitating continuously, which prompted me to get checked up. After weeks of tests (lab or otherwise) the doctor found... Nothing.
My heart is in normal health. Except for a lab finding of my HDL (good cholesterol) being a bit lower than normal, I'm perfectly fine. I can increase my HDL by exercising (which I have been doing regularly since I turned 30) and/or taking fish oil supplements. I guess I'll do the former, since it's less expensive.
When I feel something wrong with my body, I get a check up as soon as I can. Always, they find out that there's nothing wrong with me. Well, except for the time I was diagnosed with shoulder impingement, which most likely I was born with and would just have to learn to live with.
It's weird, but sometimes I hope that they DO find something wrong. That means I didn't have to waste my time going through all the tests and check-ups just to find out that I'm fine. Get my drift? But I guess all that legwork is a small price to pay to be given a clean bill of health.
The doctor said that most likely, stress had something to do with my heart palpitations. He said to just learn to relax and continue exercising. It got me to thinking about stuff in my life right now... Am I doing too much? Is being a full-time advertising art director, freelance comics artist, part-time art studio head, hands-on father and husband too much for one guy? I really don't know. I guess I'll just have to balance all that stuff, since I don't think I can give any of it up. And I guess I'll have to learn to relax in the process.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I think a Komiks Convention bug has hit the Philippines. What with the Komikon now holding a summer convention (the Komikon Summer Fiesta this May), in addition to the one later this year, and the Manila Comic Con in August. Not to mention other "geek-oriented" conventions which comics have always been a part of (like the Philippine ToyCon). Is there a comprehensive listing somewhere?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
A very flattering review and a plug for BONE CHILLER...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 01, 2009

COLD BLOODED CHILLERS issue 3 review from www.comicbits.online.com:
"And Reno Maniquis provides some really pro-quality art and it really is eye-catching. Turtles, jellyfish, seahorse and sharks drawn wonderfully."
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009

Is Greg Larocque Filipino?